

Google came out swinging on Wednesday when they hit the press with news of their new search algorithm, Hummingbird. Reporters and social media insiders did not even have time to pick their jaws up off the floor, when Google turned around and surprised them with quick left by informing the already shocked crowd that Hummingbird has been fully operational since last month. Those who have complaints are now left knocking on a door to a vacant room after unknowingly using Hummingbird for month and having not noticed. That’s right, and not one complaint. Hummingbird is the brain child of Larry Page and Sergy Brin, the Stanford alumni that originated the page ranking system, which by the way, made the cut, and is among the 200 plus elements that comprise Hummingbird’s algorithm.

The page ranking system is basically responsible for determining the importance of a website, and then for marking its place with a numeric figure from one to ten, ten being the highest. This explains why links to your website are so important, each link counts for something. Just what and how is its own algorithm altogether. Up until now, social media management companies and search engine optimization Gurus used a keyword system, but rumor has it that Google has stopped reporting to its sister site Google Analytics. This is bound to through some companies for loop. Not to worry if you have been wise enough to follow the rules, you will only stand to gain from the changes.

Hummingbird is the first entirely new search engine since 2001. Between now and then we have seen Penguin, Panda, and Caffeine, but none of the three are as dramatic a change as Hummingbird. Penguin and Panda were only upgrades to the existing system and Caffeine is geared towards the same language as the Hummingbird algorithm’s, but its primary purpose is centered around indexing, where Hummingbird is a sorter-of sorts. Hummingbird is Google’s way of keeping up with technology times.

Algorithms are a sequence of events that lead to a problem solved. Google developed Hummingbirds algorithm to sort based on concepts rather than key words using what is referred to as” conversational language, doing away with Boolean which takes words at face value. Using the new semantic language returns better results now that users searches have evolved. When we first began using search engines we typed in on or maybe two specific words. Nowadays, our searches have gained complexity, we type full sentences and even as questions of Google’s search bar.

Hummingbird algorithms offer a media marketer a chance at new content generation, and the everyday user an optimized experience. Further, it does so without negatively affecting years of climbing up the page ranking ladder as some site owners have. Each query is sorted within its own instance, therefore no threat to other query strings. If you are at all concerned that these changes will have a negative effect on you or your clients, Googles says as long as you have original, high quality content, then you have nothing to worry about.


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